Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Maynard Dixon Residency #4

Asked by others how many paintings I produced on my trip, I’d rather know how many total works will be influenced by my work out there. There’s a long lasting value to a residency like this. I see it affecting things in my current work and inspiration for great amounts in the future.

Returning to the site of my original sketch for the wall sculpture “In God’s Paintbox”, I was struck again by the difference lighting can make. Although this location was less exciting this time, the light and amazing rock colors that I remembered were experienced in several other locations during this trip. Back in my studio, I used samples of rocks and sand in the midday Austin sun diffused by plastic to replicate a bit of that great lighting to understand it better.

In Maynard’s cabin, I read in a book that some of his studio floors were painted sky blue with a rust red circle on the ceiling to combat too-cool lighting. Reading that acknowledged what I was seeing from the reflection, diffusion, and powerful UV midday light. With a fuller experience of the area, I am creating more paintings and sculptures in my studio.

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